QDRO Attorney near Olney, MD
Divorce, adoption, and other major life changes can be confusing and complicated. To get through them, you need experienced legal help to navigate the process. The Law Offices of Laura Venezia can help. Allow us to provide a QDRO Attorney near Olney, Maryland, who can assist you.
Since 1998, Laura Venezia has represented many clients in family law matters, including:
- Divorce
- Mediation
- Step-parent adoption
- Family law appeals
- Post-judgement matters
- Qualified Domestic Relations Orders
- QDRO Services for attorneys
For honest, professional representation, contact the Law Offices of Laura Venezia today!
Getting a divorce is never easy. There are a lot of decisions to be made, life changes to navigate, and feelings to come to terms with. Undeniably, everything on your to-do list can be overwhelming.
However, you don’t have to do it alone.
In fact, at The Law Offices of Laura Venezia, you can expect experienced and compassionate representation and partnership. From the initial complaint for divorce, through the division of assets, you will have years of experience and expertise to rely on.
Contact us today for an initial consultation!
Your retirement assets – or those of your spouse that you’re entitled to a share of – can be among the most valuable marital property. To ensure you have the correct asset division to protect yourself, you need experienced help to get things right.
To execute this division correctly, a Quality Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) needs to be filed after a judgement is made. A QDRO is a highly technical area of law that requires special wording in order to officially transfer funds.
At The Law Offices of Laura Venezia, QDROs are our focus. We stay up-to-date on any changes in their execution and drafting. You can be sure that we will carefully execute your document, as well as meet all legal requirements.
So, if you are an attorney who has a case that needs a QDRO, we offer a cost-efficient solution that allows you to maintain case management and control.